Punkins Opinions on Dr. Audrey Minkin Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer
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Punkins Opinions on Dr. Audrey Minkin

Punkins Opinions on Dr. Audrey Minkin
February 7, 2024

Good day Hoomans,


I would apologize for my absence in posting a blog, but I am not going to as I have been very busy running my veterinary clinic. Many have asked me for my thoughts on Dr. Audrey Minkin. In order to appease my fans I will proceed to enlighten you on this topic now.

Dr. Minkin is the one responsible for my promotion to overlord, I mean clinic cat. She expressed her desperate need for my leadership and of course I gave in and agreed to become part of the “team.” Little did I know that Dr. Minkin had taken it upon herself to put me on a diet- I still have hard feelings.

In regards to describing Dr. Minkin’s personality- she is one of those perfectionist types. She always wants to get to the bottom of things; even though I told her I just SNEEZED ONCE. She is a favorite amongst the other servants in the office as she is constantly bringing in a pink box with a cookie on the top. I’ve been told whatever magic is in this box is delicious, but alas the servants I rule over do not feel inclined to share with me. I’m still bitter.

As mentioned previously I am wasting away over here; send help in convincing my spiteful employees to send tribute- in the means of food.


Starving as always,

Madame Punkins